Calcified anterior mediastinal mass: treated lymphoma

Case contributed by Craig Hacking
Diagnosis certain



Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Female

Further history of previous lypmhoma.

The 5cm calcified anterior mediastinal mass represents treated lymphoma, and has not changed appreciably since the CT from 7 years aerlier. The lungs and pleural spaces are clear. Heart size and mediastinal contours are normal. No pneumothorax or free subdiaphragmatic gas.

Bilateral breast prostheses.

Case Discussion

The DDx for an anterior mediastinal mass can remembered with the 5T's mnemonic:

  • thymus mass
  • thyroid mass
  • tortuous vessels (thoracic aortic aneurysm)
  • terrible lymphoma
  • teratoma and germ cell tumors

When calcified, the DDx is:

  • treated lymphoma
  • aortitis
  • germ cell tumor
  • goiter

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