Calyceal diverticulum

Case contributed by Mostafa Elfeky
Diagnosis certain


Left flank pain

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Male

CT urography


The left kidney shows a middle zonal partially exophytic renal cyst measuring 4 cm, showing dependent dense calcific precipitate (milk of calcium). This density increases in the delayed phase by excreted contrast accumulation. Thread-like connection to the middle calyx that may be the diverticular connection or a compressed nearby minor calyx.

Case Discussion

The radiological features are representing mostly renal milk of calcium within a renal cyst in non-contrast phase. In excretory phase, the accumulation of contrast within the cyst augmenting the size of the dependent density represents a communication to the renal calyceal system and so it is considered as a calyceal diverticulum.

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