Caroticocavernous fistula - direct

Case contributed by Carlos Ruiz Badilla
Diagnosis certain


Motor vehicle accident - multiple craniofacial fractures. Proptosis of right eyeball, pulsatile exophthalmos and subconjunctival haemorrhage.

Patient Data

Age: 17 years
Gender: Male

Proptosis of right eyeball, caused by 

  • grossly enlarged superior ophthalmic vein
  • enlarged cavernous sinus
  • enlarged extraocular muscles

Multiple craniofacial fractures.

  • rapid shunting from right internal carotid artery (ICA) to cavernous sinus
  • retrograde flow from cavernous sinus to superior ophthalmic vein
  • enlarged draining veins
  • coil embolisation of right ICA

Case Discussion

Before commencing with embolisation, the interventional neuroradiologist verified adequate collateral circulation. He then proceeded to perform embolisation of right ICA with detachable coils. The procedure concluded without complications and the patient recovered without any complications.

Procedure carried out by Dr Manuel Hernandez Gaitan, Interventional Neuroradiologist.

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