The patient presented with a complaint of a mass on the left side of the neck.
Patient Data

There is a well-defined homogeneous hypoechoic oval mass, just above the bifurcation of CCA, splaying of the ICA and ECA. The color and Doppler show prominent internal vascularity
The thyroid gland is normal in size, parenchymal echogenicity, and echotexture.
No nodules or cysts are seen. No significant cervical adenopathy is seen. Unremarkable salivary glands.
Case Discussion
The finding based on its location and ultrasound imaging, is mostly carotid body tumor.
Carotid body tumors are the most common type of paraganglioma of the head and neck (accounting for 60-70%) and are bilateral in approximately 10% of cases.
Other possibilities are nerve sheath tumors and hypervascular lymph node