Carpal tunnel syndrome

Case contributed by Utkarsh Kabra
Diagnosis almost certain


Pain and numbness in hand

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

Hyperintensity and enlargement of median nerve is seen with volar bowing of flexor retinaculum at the level of pisiform. Flattening of the median nerve is seen at the level of hook of hamate. Edema and loss of fat is also seen within the carpal tunnel.

Degeneration of triangular fibrocartilage complex is seen with near complete tear of styloid attachment. Ganglion cyst is seen at superior and anterior aspect of styloid process of ulna and extending along medial aspect of triquetrum.

Partial tear of ulnar attachment of volar radioulnar ligament is seen with mild dorsal subluxation of ulna relative to radius in present position

Case Discussion

Hyperintensity and enlargement of median nerve is seen with volar bowing of flexor retinaculum at the level of pisiform. Flattening of the median nerve is seen at the level of hook of hamate. Edema and loss of fat is also seen within the carpal tunnel. These findings are consistent with carpal tunnel syndrome.

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