Cauda equina neuroendocrine tumour

Case contributed by Ceyhun Hacı
Diagnosis almost certain


Lower back pain.

Patient Data

Age: 15 years
Gender: Female

MRI demonstrates intradural extramedullary tumours. A 22 x 14 mm mass is seen at the level of the L3/L4 disc, 12 x 16 mm mass is seen at the level of the L4 vertebral body and 13 x 7 mm mass is seen at the level of the L4/L5 disc. These lesions have homogenous hypointense signal on both T1 and T2 weighted images.

Case Discussion

The patient went on to have a biopsy. Histological diagnosis: Paraganglioma.

Note: These tumours were previously known as spinal paragangliomas however they are molecularly and genetically distinct from paragangliomas seen elsewhere in the body and as such the term neuroendocrine tumour is preferred in the 5th edition (2021) WHO classification of CNS tumours

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