Headache and right ear tinnitus for 6 months.
Patient Data

There is a well defined lesion appearing iso to hyperintense on T2/FLAIR and hypointense on T1WI, showing heterogenous post contrast enhancement with adjacent dural tail noted at the right CP angle. There is no blooming on SWI There is no evidence of extension noted in the right internal auditory canal. The lesion is displacing the right 7-8th nerve complex in the root entry zone. Findings are likely suggestive of meningioma.
Case Discussion
The prime differential of the cerebellopontine angle mass is vestibular schwannoma. however dural tail seen in this case helps in diagnosing meningioma as first differential.
On MRI, schwannoma shows hypointense signal on T1 and heterogeneously hyperintense signal to adjacent brain on T2 weighted images with intense post contrast enhancement without adjacent dural tail.