Cervical carcinoma

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli , 26 Dec 2020
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Bahman Rasuli, 29 Feb 2024
Disclosures - updated 9 Nov 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Barrel-shaped thickening and loss of normal low signal intensity of the cervix that invades into the upper anterior and posterior walls of the vagina and parametrium (T2B).

Multiple enhancing lymphadenopathies are seen near internal iliac chains on both sides with a maximum diameter of up to 14 x 23 mm (N1).

No distance metastasis also is noted (M0).

There is a defect at the cervix posterior wall associated with the extension of injected vagina gel into the abdominopelvic cavity.

The inspissated sectionssecretions within the endometrial cavity in the background of the infiltrated cervical mass.

Intramural myoma measuring about 18 x 20 mm along with uterus posterior wall.

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