Cervical carcinoma - stage IIIC1

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli
Diagnosis almost certain


Intermittent painless vaginal bleeding.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

A huge T2 intermediate signal intensity bulky circumferential cervical mass lesion with marked water restriction shows the following:

  • size: 5 x 9 x 9.5 cm 
  • parametrial infiltration with small focal disruptions of the normal low T2 cervical rim
  • the lesion is filling and markedly expanding the upper two-thirds of the vagina; intact lower third vagina
  • no extension into the pelvic sidewalls
  • no ureteric infiltration nor hydronephrosis
  • no infiltration of the mesorectal fascia 
  • spared urinary bladder 
  • few enlarged bilateral internal iliac chains regional lymph nodes with diffusion restriction suggestive of metastatic nodes; the largest reaching 22 mm in short axis with a necrotic centre on the right side
  • uterus few small intramural myomas with maximum diameters up to 20mm
  • uterus endometrial cavity mass with intermediate signal intensity measuring about 15 x 30 mm inferring endometrial polyp (confirmed on US exam)
  • fluid equivalent signal cystic lesions measuring about 45 x 60 mm and 40 x 55 mm at the left and right ovaries respectively
  • normal marrow signal pattern of the pelvic bones
  • no distance metastasis

Case Discussion

Stage IIIC1 of cervical cancer is considered according to FIGO system staging. The histopathology report after biopsy of cervical mass: squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix.

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