Cervical lipoma

Case contributed by Sagar Tomar
Diagnosis certain


Lump left side of neck for many years.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

MRI neck


A large lesion is seen in the posterior cervical space on the left side. The lesion is homogeneously hyperintense on T1 and T2 and shows homogeneous fat suppression. No restricted diffusion or contrast enhancement is seen. No soft tissue non-adipose component or thick nodular septation are seen.

Imaging findings are consistent with a cervical lipoma.

Case Discussion

Posterior cervical space is one of the deep cervical spaces of the neck. It is deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle and posterior to the carotid space, extending from the base of the skull to the level of the clavicles. Medially, it is related to the prevertebral space.

Features that would favor a well-differentiated liposarcoma-like lesion, such as size larger than 10 cm, nodular non-adipose areas, thick nodular septation, and enhancement, are absent.

The main contents of this space include fat, lymph nodes, XI cranial nerve, pre-axillary brachial plexus , and dorsal scapular nerve .

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