Chest port on chest x-ray

Case contributed by Henry Knipe
Diagnosis certain


Breast cancer. Chest port insertion in angiography for chemotherapy.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Female



Post chest port (Infuse-a-Port) insertion (in the angiography suite) chest x-ray shows appropriate position of the port with no breakage or kinking of the tube. The tip is in an appropriate position. No pneumothorax. 

The patient returned one week after port insertion with the chemotherapy nurses unable to access. 



Fluorscopic shot shows that the chest port is appropriately positioned and is not flipped. The access needle (linear curved density in the central lucent circle of the port) is in-situ and the tubing is not kinked. The port aspirated and flushed easily thus a contrast-run was not performed. 

Case Discussion

This case demonstrates a normal positioned right internal jugular vein chest port. These are permanent tunelled chest ports used for central venous access for the delivery of medications and in this chemotherapy. 

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