Falling on the ground with an outstretched left hand and pain and swelling of the wrist afterward.
Patient Data

There are displaced comminuted fractures in the distal radius with dorsal bulge and displaced fracture of the ulna styloid process. No gross intraarticular extension of the fracture can be seen.
Case Discussion
Colles fracture is a common fracture of the distal radius in the elderly and more seen in females and one of the major complications of the Colles fracture is carpal tunnel syndrome. The difference between the Colles and Smith fractures is in that in Colles fracture the fractured distal radius is dorsally angulated and in Smith fracture is vice versa. Colles fracture has its classification and can be intraarticular or extraarticular. The treatment can be splinting and/or casting and internal fixation or external fixation based on the individuals' clinical findings and conditions.