Left lower quadrant pain, anaemia, weight loss.
Patient Data

Large, non-obstructing irregular mass 7.6cm in length in the distal descending colon consistent with a colonic adenocarcinoma. Areas of wall thickening in the colon measure up to 2.2 cm.
Several mildly prominent peritumoral lymph nodes, with example larger lymph node measuring 8 mm. No retroperitoneal adenopathy. Left common femoral lymph node measures 2.8 x 1.3 cm, unchanged since 2016 and likely a chronic finding. No new pelvic adenopathy.
No peritoneal implants. Small amount of fluid and stranding in left paracolic gutter.
Case Discussion
CEA = 15 (normal <3)
Large, non-obstructing colonic adenocarcinoma of the descending colon. A few mildly prominent peritumoral lymph nodes without metastases elsewhere in the abdomen or pelvis.