Colonic faecoliths and stercoral ulceration

Case contributed by Chris O'Donnell
Diagnosis almost certain


Severe LIF pain with raised inflammatory markers. Bowels not opened for 7 days. Past history of constipation.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Female

Subtle increased density in the mid descending colon with moderate faecal material in the proximal colon

CT same day


Unusual laminatted, hyperdense faecoliths/omas in the descending colon with inflammation/thickening in the colonic wall extending into the adjacent fat without signs of diverticular disease.

Case Discussion

Inspissated faecal materal can calcify (usually in diverticula or the appendix) and form large solid masses in the colonic lumen that can rarely lead to mural infammation and even perforation due to pressure/ischaemic effects

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