Colostomy stenosis

Case contributed by Benjamin Pereira Zimmermann
Diagnosis certain


Acute onset of abdominal pain in right abdomen

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Male
  • pathologic dilatation of caecum and ascending colon. Proximal to the ileocaecal valve small bowel present a normal calibre. In the right flank, a stenosis from the ostomy is noticed. 
  • Hartmann pouch in pelvis. Sigmoid, descending, and transverse colon are missing.
  • atrophy of the pancreas body and tail is observed due to pancreatitis sequels. 
Annotated image
  • caecum is dilated measuring 7.3 cm
  • there is a calibre change at the colostomy site
  • 3D volumetric-reconstruction of the abdominal wall is displayed
  • photo of colostomy

Case Discussion

The main cause of stomal stenosis is ischaemia. However, local infections, stomal retraction, and an inadequate skin opening may also lead to stenosis. Stomal stenosis may develop immediately after surgery or months later. The reported incidence varies from 2 to 14%. The majority of cases can be treated conservatively by altering the diet as long as there are no major cutaneous complications. 

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