Abdominal pain.
Patient Data

Celiac trunk gives off both inferior phrenic arteries and left hepatic artery, then continues as splenic artery. Left gastric artery arises from left hepatic artery.
Common hepatic artery arises from the aorta, below origin of celiac trunk, and gives off right and middle hepatic arteries and then the gastroduodenal artery.
Prehilar branching of both renal arteries, normal variant.

Violet arrow: Left hepatic artery.
Green arrow: Common hepatic artery.
Yellow arrow: Right hepatic artery.
Pink arrow: Gastroduodenal artery.
Blue arrow: Middle colic artery.
Case Discussion
Common hepatic artery commonly originated from celiac trunk (45%). Variant origin can be from aorta (2%) or superior mesenteric artery (2%).