Twelve weeks gestation by dates. No per vaginal bleeding.
Patient Data

A bulky anteverted uterus with a volumetric quantity of 1105.5 ml demonstrating a large amount of heterogeneous luminal material with characteristic honey-comb appearance composed of echogenic solid areas and non-vascular multi-focal cystic vesicles. The endometrial-myometrial interface is obliterated with resultant infiltration of the myometrial parenchyma. Both ovaries shows small sized luteal follicles however, with no gross enlargement as yet.
Case Discussion
Quantitative serial serum B-HCG levels greater than 15000ml/IU. Ultrasound images show a large, complete hydatidiform molar pregnancy (CHMP) measuring 656.1 ml in volume infiltrating the myometrial parenchymal areas. The ovaries depicts early luteal cystic formation bilaterally albeit with no gross enlargement.