Primigravida with eight weeks amenorrhoea. PDT positive with one week per vaginal bleeding. To rule out H. Mole
Patient Data

A heterogeneous, moderate content that is diffusely interspersed with multifocal anechoic areas (cystic vesicles) within the proximal endometrial cavity resulting in the usual honey-comb appearance is noted.
The endometrial/myometrial interface is relatively obliterated however, the content is hypovascular on colour flow Doppler interrogation and no obvious solid fetal parts or bony areas are seen. The cervix and proximal vaginal vault grossly look normal. The left ovary showed two small-sized follicles within its parenchyma which are most likely theca lutein.
Case Discussion
In the setting of a positive pregnancy test and amenorrhoea as such, the sonographic features above strongly hints towards a complete hydatidiform molar pregnancy. Laboratory beta HCG serum levels correlation yielded elevated values at 7873.06 mIU/mL.