Complete hydatidiform mole

Case contributed by Ammar Ashraf
Diagnosis certain


History of 11 weeks of amenorrhoea. Mild PV bleeding for 3 weeks, associated with nausea and vomiting. No fever.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

Bulky anteverted uterus  with a large isoechoic intrauterine mass containing multiple tiny cystic areas (resembling snow storm or bunch of grapes). No significant internal vascularity is seen in it on colour Doppler ultrasound examination. No fetal parts are noted. 

Impression: Sonographic features are suggestive of gestational trophoblastic disease (complete hydatidiform mole).

Histopathology report


Histopathology report of the uterine contents removed during suction evacuation.

Case Discussion

Laboratory investigations demonstrated abnormally elevated serum beta HCG = 1037841 IU/L (normal range 0.0-5.0IU/L). The patient underwent dilation and suction evacuation. Histopathological analysis of the submitted specimen showed complete hydatidiform mole.


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