Complete supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendon tears and dislocation of the proximal long head of biceps tendon (ultrasound)

Case contributed by Dai Roberts
Diagnosis almost certain


Long-standing shoulder pain

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Male

The proximal long head of biceps is medially dislocated out of the bicipital groove and cleeves into the superior and lateral portion of the subscapularis tendon.  Complete and retracted supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons tears. Intact teres minor tendon.  Acromioclavicular joint synovial hypertrophy.  

Annotated transverse images, highlighting the bare humeral head and absent proximal long head of biceps in the rotator cuff interval.

Case Discussion

The bare humeral head sign indicates a complete and retracted supraspinatus tendon tear.  The proximal long head of biceps is used to help orientate the practitioner, and if absent from the bicipital groove, it can either be medially dislocated or torn.

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