Road traffic accident
Patient Data

There is pre-maxillary and preseptal soft tissue swelling and emphysema. A tiny intra-orbital speck of air was also noted, there is a fracture of the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus which is extending along the inferior margin of the left orbit. There is also focal herniation of intraorbital fat through the fracture site within the sinus cavity. Some haemorrhagic opacification of the maxillary sinus cavity was also seen. There is also a fracture of lamina papyracea along the middle ethmoid sinus with focal entrapment of orbital fat. The fracture was also noted within the lateral wall of the orbit and the posterior zygomatic arch on the left side.
Case Discussion
CT is a mandatory modality in the evaluation of facial fractures. CT also provides an evaluation of the facial soft tissues. Thin bony structures should be evaluated by using fine-resolution axial, coronal and 3D MPR image reconstructions.
Additional contributor: Dr Subhan Iqbal