Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

Case contributed by Naqibullah Foladi
Diagnosis certain



Patient Data

Age: 2 months
Gender: Female

Chest radiograph is showing some round lucencies in the left hemithorax suspicious for bowel loops.

After injection of non-ionic contrast material through NG tube, the delayed image reveals the opacified stomach, small intestine and proximal large bowel located in the left hemithorax.


Non-ionic contrast material infused through the NG tube and the delayed radiograph reveals the opacified stomach, small intestine and proximal large bowel located in the left hemithorax.

Case Discussion

The features described above are consistent with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. The patient was not diagnosed antenatally.


This case is also contributed by Dr. M.M.S.Hoshang.

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