Workup for abdominal pain with constipation and abdominal distension.
Patient Data

There is a soft tissue mass at the level of the umbilicus containing bowel loops. There is no bowel obstruction and no free intraperitoneal air. There is mild feacal loading.

Ultrasound confirms a reducible, congenital/ physiological umbilical hernia, present from birth.
Case Discussion
Features consistent with a large, congenital or physiological, reducible, umbilical hernia in a young child.
Umbilical hernias give a pseudotumor appearance on abdominal X-rays as demonstrated above. The presence of bowel loops within the soft tissue density mass alludes to the diagnosis of an abdominal wall hernia and contents.
A large umbilical defect is one of the indications for surgical repair in congenital umbilical hernias, as in this instance.