Coracoclavicular joint osteoarthritis

Case contributed by Ashesh Ishwarlal Ranchod
Diagnosis certain


The patient presents with pyrexia of unknown origin, for work-up. Incidental finding.

Patient Data

Age: 80 years
Gender: Female

There is an incidental unilateral, left-sided, coracoclavicular joint (a normal variant) with associated degenerative change demonstrated by exuberant osteophytic spurring and asymmetric joint space narrowing. There is bilateral moderately severe acromioclavicular degenerative change

The cardiomediastinal contour is magnified on a portable seated chest X-ray. The trachea is central. The lung fields are clear, with veiling due to overlying breast soft tissues. Prominent left perihilar broncho-vascular markings of uncertain significance. There are no suspicious parenchymal abnormalities. There is dorsal degenerative change. There are overlying ECG leads.

Case Discussion

Coracoclavicular joints are a normal variant and usually of no clinical significance. Occasionally they may develop degenerative change and possibly represent a source of shoulder pain. In this instance, the patient has acromioclavicular and glenohumeral osteoarthritis consistent with her age and additionally osteoarthritis of the left coracoclavicular joint is well demonstrated too.

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