Motor vehicle accident. GCS 3.
Patient Data
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
From the case:
Craniocervical junction injury


Cervical spine
Injury to the craniocervical junction with:
- widened basion-dens interval
- widened lateral atlanto-axial articulations
- widened interspinous distance between C1/C2
- no visible fracture
- prevertebral soft tissue swelling
- ETT tip in the trachea
- left pneumothorax
- atelectasis in the right upper and left lower lobes
From the case:
Craniocervical junction injury


- tear of the posterior atlanto-axial membrane
- oedema within the atlanto-occipital articulations bilaterally
- widening of the lateral atlanto-axial articulations
- cervical cord contusion at C2 vertebral level
- partial tear of the interspinous ligaments from C2-C7
- intact ALL, PLL, tectorial membrane
- epidural collection from C2-T1
Case Discussion
Case contributed by Dr Samuel Manikkam.