Recurrent abdominal pain. An incidental finding.
Patient Data

The right kidney (94 x 39 mm) is located in the right renal fossa with normal cortico-medullary differentiation without calculus, back pressure changes, or mass lesions.
Empty left renal fossa. No kidney in the left lumbar region/ left iliac fossa. 'Left' kidney (68 x 34 mm) is located on the right side below the aortic bifurcation with normal cortico-medullary differentiation without calculus, back pressure changes, or mass lesions. No fusion of the kidneys.
The urinary bladder is partially distended. No calculus/ wall thickening.
Case Discussion
An incidental finding of non-fused kidneys on the right side with empty left renal fossa.
'Left' renal artery from right common iliac artery/ aortic bifurcation. Both vesicoureteric junctions were normally located. (images not documented).
No cause for the abdominal pain was found.