Cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma

Case contributed by Tanzilur Rahman , 25 Sep 2024
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Arlene Campos , 2 Oct 2024
Disclosures - updated 10 Jun 2024: Nothing to disclose

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Histopathology report-

Microscopic description: Sectionssections from the cauliflower-like growth reveal the features of a malignant tumor with the following features:

  • Cystscysts lined with flat/cuboidal / hobnail/hobnail cells (or are denuded).

  • Epithelialepithelial elements consist mainly of mature and immature/abortive tubules and small papillae resembling immature glomeruli.

  • Nephroblastomatousnephroblastomatous epithelial elements.

  • Islandsislands of undifferentiated blastema and differentiated mesenchymal elements.

  • Focallyfocally, the septal elements protrude into the cystic spaces in microscopic papillary folds.

  • Thethe growth has extended up to distal margin of ureter.

  • Lymphovascularlymphovascular invasion: Seenseen

Histopathological Diagnosisdiagnosis - Nephroureterectomynephroureterectomy with bladder cuff: Favorsfavors, Cysticcystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma.

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