Follow-up abdominal radiograph in patient with previously diagnosed pancreatic pseudocyst.
Patient Data
There is a cystgastrostomy stent (endoscopically placed) that overlies the proximal stomach in the left upper quadrant.
Additionally, there is a nasogastric catheter that terminates in the region of the mid-gastric body, as well as a plastic common bile duct stent overlying the right upper quadrant. The patient is status post cholecystectomy, as evidenced by surgical staples seen in the right upper quadrant. There is retained oral contrast in the right lower quadrant from a prior contrast-enhanced CT abdomen/pelvis.
There is a small left-sided pleural effusion with left lower lobe compressive atelectasis.
Case Discussion
This is a case demonstrating the appearance of a cystgastrostomy stent on an abdominal radiograph. Cystgastrostomy stents drain a pancreatic pseudocyst into the stomach.
Christine Cooley, MD