Left-sided facial pain and swelling.
Patient Data
Large expansile cystic lesion arising from left maxillary ridge and protruding into the left maxillary sinus, cyst measures approx. 3.3 x 3.0 x 3.1 cm (AP x TD x Ht). An unerupted tooth is seen within the medial aspect of the cyst and extends into the left nasal cavity.
Right-sided deviated nasal septum with bony spur. Left hypertrophied nasal turbinate is seen.
Mildly enlarged adenoids are seen encroaching upon the nasopharynx.
Case Discussion
Dentigerous cysts, also called follicular cysts, are slow-growing benign and non-inflammatory odontogenic cysts. On imaging, they usually present as a well-defined and unilocular radiolucency surrounding the crown of an unerupted or impacted tooth within the mandible. Maxillary lesions may project superiorly into the paranasal sinuses or nasal cavity as seen in this case.