Diffuse low grade astrocytoma

Case contributed by Bruno Di Muzio , 10 May 2015
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Bruno Di Muzio, 11 May 2015

Updates to Case Attributes

Status changed from draft to published (unlisted).
Visibility changed from public to unlisted.
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Low grade infiltrative astrocytomas, also often referred to as diffuse astrocytomas, are designated as WHO II tumours of the brain. Gemistocytic astrocytoma is one histologic subtype with a poorer prognosis than other matched WHO grade tumours, and with no specific imaging features. These tumours are almost always supratentorial and usually located in the frontal lobes. 

  • +<p><a title="Low grade infiltrative astrocytomas" href="/articles/low-grade-infiltrative-astrocytoma">Low grade infiltrative astrocytomas</a>, also often referred to as diffuse astrocytomas, are designated as <a href="/articles/cns-tumours-classification-and-grading-who">WHO II tumours</a> of the brain. <a href="/articles/gemistocytic-astrocytoma">Gemistocytic astrocytoma</a> is one histologic subtype with a poorer prognosis than other matched WHO grade tumours, and with no specific imaging features. These tumours are almost always supratentorial and usually located in the frontal lobes. </p><p> </p>
Diagnostic Certainty was set to .

Updates to Study Attributes

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CT brain (pre-and post-contrast)

There is a large 4.3x.3 x 5.0 CM (axialx(axial x CC) hypodensity involving the left anterior frontal lobe on medial aspect, affecting both cortex and white matter.

There is marked mass effect leading to subfalcine herniation and displacement of the distal ACAs, and effacement of the frontal horns.

No enhancement can be appreciated.

There is opacification of the left frontal sinus with possible hyperdense fluid on the dependent portion.

The posterior table appears intact.

No extra axial lesion can be appreciated.



Differentials Differentials is between a primarily intra-axial lesion (and neoplasm will be one consideration), in which case left frontal sinus fluid would be incidental; or infection spreading from the frontal sinus resulting in marked oedema and cerebritis.

MRI is recommended, and should include diffusion imaging and possibly MRS.

Caption was added:
Ct Brain

Updates to Study Attributes

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MRI Brain
Findings was changed:

MRI Brain

[Tumor protocol with contrast and single voxel MRS, but no MRP]

There are at least two distinct enhancing intraaxialintra-axial lesions within the left frontal lobe.

The larger one centered within the posteromesial orbitofrontal region, probably within the rectus gyrus measuring approximately 2.5x2x1.5cm.5 x 2 x 1.5 cm in maximum perpendicular dimension (APxLRxCC(AP x LR x CC), which associated with its significant surrounding vasogenic edemaoedema is causing less approximately 1cm1 cm midline shift, deforming and displacing the traversing ACAs with flow signal void preserved.

The second smaller lesion is subcortical within the middle frontal gyrus, measuring approximately 7x7x8mm7 x 7 x 8mm in perpendicular dimension. This is also surrounded by a significant vasogenic edemaoedema causing mass effect, effacing the sulci.

Vasogenic edema extends through the genu and body of the corpus callosum into the contralateral hemisphere, effacing the frontal horn of the lateral ventricles bilaterally. There is no hydrocephalus at this stage.

There are also small poorly defined enhancing foci ventral to the smaller lesion. Another small subcortical focus of abnormal enhancement was also noted within the triangular portion of the right inferior frontal gyrus, which is only visible on one slice (IM: 15, SE: 10), with no significant surrounding parenchymal edema.

Diffusion characteristic of these lesions is equivocal with no definite true restriction identified. Signal characteristics on the other sequences are also nonspecific.

On MRS, the selected voxel demonstrates significant increased choline to creatinine ratio (at 3.2 and 3ppm respectively) and decreased NAA at 2ppm. This is associated with a moderate increased lactate at 1.3ppm.

No leptomeningeal enhancement was identified. Intracerebral arteries are grossly normal.

Within the left frontal sinus material of slightly increased T1 and low T2 signal is noted . No contrast enhancement is seen. There is poor definition of the posterior aspect of the sinus wall both on MR and CT. No subdural empyema is seen. No leptomeningeal enhancement.

CBV maps ( not able to be transferred to PACS at time of reporting) shows gyriform areas of elevated CBV distinct from the contrast enhancing areas.

NGT was noted.


Despite Despite the MRS findings which is suggestive for tumoral lesions, e.g. hi gradehigh grade glioma; in this clinical setting (febrile and septic, as stated by the clinical teams) the multiplicity of the lesions, changes in the left frontal sinus and discordant findings between contrast enhanced scans and CBV maps,

favours favours an infective process (multiple foci of cerebritis) over the neoplasm.

Further follow up will be of use .

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Image 11 MRI (MR Perfusion) ( update )

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Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:


1-9. The The sections show fragments of cerebral cortex and white matter.

There There is extensive replacement of the white matter by a moderately

hypercellular hypercellular astrocytic glioma. This This consists of diffuse sheets of

predominantly  predominantly protoplasmic astrocytes. These have regular small round

hyperchromatic hyperchromatic nuclei and a paucity of fibrillary processes. A very

occasional occasional mitotic figure is identified. There is prominent microcyst

formation formation. A gemistocytic component is noted in one area. There is

no no vascular endothelial cell hyperplasia and no evidence of necrosis

is is seen. The features are of protoplasmic/gemistocytic diffuse

astrocytoma astrocytoma (WHO grade 11II).


1-9. Frontal Frontal brain tumour: Protoplasmic/gemistocytic diffuse

astrocytoma astrocytoma (WHO grade II).

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