Distal biceps brachii tendon rupture

Case contributed by Mohammad A. ElBeialy
Diagnosis certain


Anterior arm pain with an audible pop after lifting a heavy object.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male
  • full-thickness tear and rupture of the distal biceps brachii tendon with wavy and retracted tendon fibres and gapping from om its insertion within the radial tuberosity of about 12 cm, which is replaced by low T1 and high T2 fluid signal intensity within its sheath

  • mild muscle oedema and contusion of the distal biceps brachii, with surrounding subcutaneous oedema

  • there is no evidence of atrophic changes in the biceps brachii muscle  

  • associated subcutaneous tissue oedema of the anterior and anteromedial aspects of the distal forearm and elbow is noted

Case Discussion

Full-thickness tear and rupture of the distal biceps brachii tendon with significant tendon retraction and gapping.

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