Distal biceps tendon tear

Case contributed by Maulik S Patel
Diagnosis almost certain


The patient tried to stop a falling bike with his left arm; one hour before the presentation. Complaining of anterior elbow pain with difficulty in elbow flexion.

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Male

Complete discontinuity of the distal biceps tendon with 22 mm retraction of the torn end. A tiny bone flake in the torn end. Normal myotendinous junction and muscle belly. No large local fluid collection. Short-axis cine-loop runs from the proximal to the distal direction. It shows a tiny bone flake followed by an absent tendon.

The contralateral asymptomatic distal biceps tendon is intact.

Case Discussion

The patient had an anterior elbow jerk before the presentation. The clinical examination revealed a non-palpable distal biceps tendon. The ultrasound correlates with the clinical diagnosis of a distal biceps tendon tear.

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