Patient Data
Figure 1: axial images demonstrating simultaneous DECT acquisitions including the 100kVP source image from tube A, 140 kVP image from tube B, the mixed 100/140 kVP image and the perfusion blood volume (surrogate for pulmonary perfusion). The window level and width for all four images were the same. The lower kilovoltage (100kVP) image clearly demonstrates increased iodine conspicuity and may be of added value for better depiction of the peripheral embolus or in circumstances of poor contrast bolus tracking.
Figures 3-5: demonstrate common artefacts encountered on the perfusion blood volume image.
Figure 3: demonstrates streak artefact from the contrast bolus within the IVC. This artefact can also be present adjacent to the right atrium.
Figure 4: demonstrates commonly observed cardiac pulsation artefact adjacent to the left ventricle.
Figure 5: shows gravitation atelectasis at the lungs bases manifesting as areas of absent perfusion on the perfusion blood volume images.