Recurrent urinary tract infections with hydronephrosis on ultrasound exam.
Patient Data

Duplication of the right collecting system with:
hydronephrosis of the upper renal moiety with delayed excretion and ectopic insertion of the dilated ureter, inferior to the lower renal moiety ureter, and terminates in a ureterocele.
hydronephrosis of the lower renal moiety with a dilated ureter that has orthotopic insertion superior to the upper renal moiety ureter.
Normal appearance of the left kidney.
Case Discussion
According to Weigert-Meyer law in duplex kidney with complete ureteral duplication, the upper renal and lower renal moieties are drained by separate ureters, each having its own ureteral orifice in the bladder.
the upper renal moiety ureter has an ectopic insertion medial and inferior to the lower renal moiety ureter and frequently ends in a ureterocele (as in this case).
the lower renal moiety ureter has an orthotopic insertion lateral and superior to the upper renal moiety ureter, and vesicoureteral reflux can occur.