Patient Data

In the left temporal lobe, there is a well-defined, multilobulated 'bubbly' mass measuring approximately 23 x 26 x 50 mm. It exhibits a hypointense signal on T1WI, mixed-signal intensity with a bright rim sign, and a hyperintense signal on T2WI, with a multicystic structure and no restricted diffusion, calcification, or hemorrhage. Adjacent parenchymal edema is absent, and mild nodular pattern enhancement is observed within the tumor.
DTI images were obtained for preoperative planning.
The specimen appeared grey and soft, measuring from 3 x 3 x 1 mm to 30 x 15 x 5 mm.
Microscopic description:
On two slides prepared from the received specimen and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE), the specimen received was brain tissue containing a tumor. The tumor exhibits unclear boundaries, and its tissue appears heterogeneous. Within the tumor, there is an area composed of small, uniformly oligonucleated cells arranged along capillaries. This area is interspersed with mucous stroma rich in nerve fibers and scattered with benign-appearing floating neurons. Additionally, the tumor contains a glioma-like region with numerous oligodendrocyte-shaped cells clustered together. No atypical cells, mitosis, or necrosis were observed.
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor - DNET, complex variant.

After surgery, a part of the left temporal lobe was removed, causing gliosis in the surrounding area and dilation of the left lateral ventricle's temporal horn.
Case Discussion
These findings are typical characteristics of a dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET).
DNET is one of the two most common tumors associated with long-term epilepsy.
The temporal lobes are the most common location, accounting for approximately 45–50% of cases.