Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET) associated with dysgenesis of the corpus callosum

Case contributed by Ibraheem Mohammad AL-Boany , 7 Dec 2023
Diagnosis probable
Changed by Liz Silverstone, 20 Dec 2023
Disclosures - updated 6 Dec 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour (DNET) associated with Dysgenesisdysgenesis of the Corpus Callosumcorpus callosum
Age changed from 22 years to 20 years.

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour (DNET) associated with Dysgenesis of the Corpus Callosum
Type was removed.
Visible changed from true to false.

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was added:
Slug was set to dysembryoplastic-neuroepithelial-tumour-dnet-associated-with-ysgenesis-of-the-corpus-callosum.
Type was set to .
Visible was set to false.
Content was set to 180179.
Content Type was set to Case.

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was added:
Slug was set to dysembryoplastic-neuroepithelial-tumour-dnet-associated-with-dysgenesis-of-the-corpus-callosum-1.
Type was set to .
Visible was set to false.
Content was set to 180179.
Content Type was set to Case.

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was added:
Slug was set to dysembryoplastic-neuroepithelial-tumour-dnet-associated-with-dysgenesis-of-the-orpus-callosum.
Type was set to .
Visible was set to false.
Content was set to 180179.
Content Type was set to Case.

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was added:
Slug was set to dysembryoplastic-neuroepithelial-tumour-dnet-associated-with-dysgenesis-of-the-corpus-callosum-2.
Type was set to .
Visible was set to false.
Content was set to 180179.
Content Type was set to Case.

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was added:
Slug was set to dysembryoplastic-neuroepithelial-tumour-dnet-associated-with-dysgenesis-of-the-corpus-allosum.
Type was set to .
Visible was set to false.
Content was set to 180179.
Content Type was set to Case.

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was added:
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour (DNET) associated with dysgenesis of the corpus callosum
Slug was set to dysembryoplastic-neuroepithelial-tumour-dnet-associated-with-dysgenesis-of-the-corpus-callosum-3.
Type was set to PrimaryLink.
Visible was set to true.
Content was set to 180179.
Content Type was set to Case.

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