Emphysematous pyelitis

Case contributed by Nasir Siddiqui , 2 Nov 2010
Diagnosis probable
Changed by Mostafa Elfeky, 20 Mar 2021

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Gas within the transplanted right renal pelvisdensities with mild hydronephrosis without fistulousare noted within the pelvicalyceal system of the transplanted kidney at the right iliac fossa. There is no fistulous connection or findings of pyelonephritisidentified on non-contrast basis.

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The presence of gas density inside the renal collecting system raises the possibility of emphysematous pyelitis. There are many post-renal transplant complications, among of these are infections with increased possibility due to immunosuppressive drugs intake.

  • +<p>The presence of gas density inside the renal collecting system raises the possibility of <a title="Emphysematous pyelitis" href="/articles/emphysematous-pyelitis">emphysematous pyelitis</a>. There are many post-renal transplant complications, among of these are infections with increased possibility due to immunosuppressive drugs intake.</p>
Diagnostic Certainty was set to .

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Note: This case has been tagged as "legacy" as it no longer meets image preparation and/or other case publication guidelines.

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