Recent right inguinal pain on top of chronic right inguinal swelling.
Patient Data

Cystic lesion with fine internal septa is seen at the level of the superficial inguinal ring. Few foci of vascularity are seen around the lesion.

Right inguinal cystic lesion is seen related to the round ligament. It shows fluid signal and mild marginal post-contrast enhancement suggesting associated infection (explaining the recent onset of pain).
Case Discussion
The canal of Nuck is a small peritoneal pouch attached to the uterus by the round ligament. It resembles the processus vaginalis in male. It normally disappears without a trace in the first year of life.
Unobliterated canal of Nuck can predispose to indirect inguinal hernia or hydrocele of the canal of Nuck. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck is a rare disease that occurs in the inguinal area or labium and usually presents early in life.