Endometriosis with canal of Nuck endometrioma

Case contributed by Utkarsh Kabra
Diagnosis almost certain


Right inguinal swelling

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Female

Cystic lesion containing haemorrhagic products in both adnexa and pouch of Douglas. Few tiny ovarian follicles at periphery. An irregular tubular lesion with septations, containing areas of haemorrhage is seen in close relation to uterus, right ovary and above mentioned cystic lesion, likely bilateral endometrioma with haematosalpinx.

Lobulated, septated cystic lesion containing foci of haemorrhage is seen in right iliac fossa. It is closely adherent to external oblique aponeurosis and is extending anteriorly into subcutaneous planes, likely canal of Nuck endometrioma. 

Case Discussion

Overall above findings suggested likelihood of endometriosis with bilateral haematosalpinx, bilateral ovarian and right canal of Nuck endometriomas.

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