Epidermal inclusion cyst: thigh

Case contributed by Maulik S Patel
Diagnosis probable


Left posterior thigh swelling for 7 years. Increasing size and local pain for a few months.

Patient Data

Gender: Male

There is a well-defined ovoid lesion in the region of interest, measuring approximately 75 x 60 x 45 mm. It has a thin capsule. It is in the subcutaneous plane, abutting the deep aspect of the skin. The lesion is separate from bone and muscle.             

The lesion is hypoechoic to the underlying muscle. It shows a heterogeneous echopattern with internal subcentimeter-sized hypo- and hyperechoic linear foci. There is no calcification/cystic change. It is not significantly compressible. There is no internal vascularity. There is acoustic enhancement. 

Case Discussion

A long-standing subcutaneous thigh lesion shows characteristic ultrasound features of an unruptured epidermal inclusion cyst.

Surgical excision was performed. According to the operative surgeon, gross appearances were suggestive of epidermal inclusion cyst. Hence, histopathology was not performed.

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