The patient presented painful scrotal swelling with, fever, burning micturition, since 2 days no history of urethral discharge no history of STDs or trauma. On the local examination: there is swelling at the left testis, tenderness, redness, hotness, and skin changes.
Patient Data
Age: 45 years
Gender: Male
From the case:


- The examined testicle appears, mildly swollen
- On Doppler interrogation; the testicle shows increased flow signals compared to the contralateral side.
- The left epididymis appears swollen, thickened & enlarged in size with heterogenous texture & increased vascularity on colour Doppler.
Case Discussion
- The testicular USG demonstrates increased vascularity in the left testis and epididymis in keeping with epididymo-orchitis.
- Left-sided septated hydrocele and a small left epididymal head cyst of 4.5mm are seen.