Extensive pneumatisation of skull base bones: bird bones

Case contributed by Hazem M Almasarei
Diagnosis almost certain


Asymptomatic patient.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Male

There is an extensive pneumatisation of the skull base, involving the temporal bones, sphenoid bones, Petrous bones, dorsum sellae of the sphenoid, occipital bone, C1/Atlas ( mainly its right lateral mass ), C2/Axis ( Also involving dens ) and C3 vertebral bodies and their posterior elements.

The upper three vertebral bodies are surrounded by soft tissue emphysema.

There is also multiloculated air within the spinal canal whatever intra or extradural, which highly suggests pneumorrhachis.

Turkey humerus bone


Photograph of the turkey humerus bone.

Longitudinal cross-section, showing an array of struts and also looks truss-like.

Author Dr. Hazem

Case Discussion

Skull base bones pneumatisation are considered a normal variant in adults.

The patients with pneumorrhachis are mostly managed conservatively. 



Dr. Maisa swaidan Consultant Radiologist, King Hussein Cancer Centre(KHCC), Amman, Jordan.

Dr. Asem Mansour, Consultant Radiologist. Chief Executive Officer/Director General, King Hussein Cancer Centre(KHCC), Amman, Jordan.

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