Femoral acetabular impingement- cam-type

Case contributed by Ashesh Ishwarlal Ranchod
Diagnosis certain


Bilateral progressive, hip, thigh and groin pain with limitation of hip motion.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Female

Bilateral exuberant bumps at the femoral head-neck junction with focal loss of sphericity.

There is premature osteoarthritis of the hips bilaterally.

The bony pelvis is otherwise normal.

Case Discussion

Features consistent with bilateral femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) of the cam type and secondary premature and accelerated osteoarthritis of the hips.

There is a significant limitation of motion during hip flexion on examination, as expected, due to large and exuberant femoral head-neck junction bumps.

The patient is awaiting surgical assessment with a view to probable surgical intervention following the recommended MRI study.

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