Bilateral hip pain and limitation of movement more on the right side
Patient Data
There is subchondral degenerative changes and marrow edema of the lateral acetabular margin on the right side with associated acetabular excessive coverage of femoral head, superior labral tear and an osseous bump seen lateral to the physeal scar. All suggests femoroacetabular impingement of mixed type. Also there is mild right hip joint effusion and bilateral hip osteoarthritic changes.
The white arrow points to the osseous bump lateral to the physeal scar. The white circle refers to the superior labral tear.
Case Discussion
Femoroacetabular impingement occurs when there is repititive microtrauma from impingement of femoral head against the acetabulum. It is classified to pincer type due to excessive acetabular coverage of femoral head, cam type from dysplasia of the femoral neck and mixed type combines both features.