A 25 year old female patient presented with polyhydramnios.
Patient Data

Pregnancy of 32-33 weeks with polyhydramnios and having a well defined neck mass which was homegenously isoechoic well defined and at anterior part of neck. Mass also shows extensive vascularity. Fetus shows normal heart rate and normal bone maturation but showing increased fetal movements.
Case Discussion
The differential diagnosis of fetal neck mass includes fetal goitre, cervical teratoma, cystic hygroma and lymphangioma
- cervical teratomas are heterogeneous (solid cystic) in echotexture, may show calcification and usually are very large. Teratoma's usually occurs in the antero-lateral part of neck.
- cystic hygromas are usually cystic lesion with septations and usually are present posterior to the neck
- lymphangioma also has a cystic appearance
- goitre is well defined, solid homogeneous mass, present at anterior part of neck
An antenatal diagnosis of a fetal goitre was made due to hypothyroidism. This was confirmed by postnatal clinical and lab examination of baby.