Cut to 2nd PIP palmar aspect 7 days ago, now cannot flex. FDP tendon tear?
Patient Data
There is a partial tear involving more than 50% of the distal portion of flexor digitorum profundus tendon, about 5 mm distal to the proximal interphalangeal joint. The tear extends for about 6.8 mm and a small amount of fluid and hypoechogenic material is seen with the tear region. Conclusion: Sonographic features of partial tear (>50%) of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon above the proximal interphalangeal joint.
Annotated images demonstrating both the flexor digitorum superficialis (blue lines) and profundus (yellow line) assessed on a longitudinal view; note the partial tear area extending between the calipers "A". Transverse view delineates the area with probably intact remaining fibers of the flexor profundus tendon (dashed circle); this is best appreciated on the dynamic views scrolling up and down the original study images, where you can see the normal tendon before and after the tear.
Case Discussion
Case illustrating a traumatic partial tear of the flexor digitorum profundus.