Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon tear

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli
Diagnosis almost certain


Referred with the third finger right hand swelling with tenderness and immobility.

Patient Data

Age: 30
Gender: Male

Abnormal intrasubstance increased fluid signal and fibres discontinuity is present along the course of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle tendon of the third finger right hand at the level of the metacarpophalangeal joint and proximal phalanx related to the flexor tendon tear.

No evidence of tendon retraction in the proximal segments is seen.

There is also fluid signal around the common flexor tendons due to tenosynovitis.

Case Discussion

Our patient was referred with the third finger right-hand swelling and tenderness after a traumatic injury and an inability to straighten or bend the finger.

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