A few days before the presentation, the patient had left hand laceration caused by glass injury. He presented with complaints of the index and middle finger flexion movement limitation. Clinically, there was FDP and FDS function loss involving the index finger and FDP function loss involving the middle finger.
Patient Data

There is a complete tear of the index finger FDS and FDP in the palm. The gap between the retracted tendon edges is about 20 mm.
The middle finger FDP tendon shows a complete tear with retraction of the tendon edges about 28 mm. FDS tendon is intact with normal echopattern.
Adjacent neurovascular bundle is normal without any injury.
The adjacent superficial soft tissue of the palm shows mild edema and a presence of a tiny echogenic focus (< 2 mm size) which is probably a glass particle.
Case Discussion
A young male had hand laceration due to a glass injury. He presented with loss of flexion of the index and middle fingers.
The diagnosis of tendons injury was made by the clinical examination. The ultrasound was done to check the degree of the tendon retraction.