Focal nodular hyperplasia

Case contributed by Ahmad Alomari , 31 Dec 2023
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Arlene Campos, 3 Jan 2024
Disclosures - updated 9 Jun 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

The liver showsexhibits a large iso- to hypodense mass lesion with brightpronounced contrast enhancement onduring the arterial phase noted, observed in the left liver lobe, shows. It manifests a central scar with enhancement on delayed images likely, suggesting focal nodular hyperplasia.

DiffuseThere is diffuse hepatic steatosis.

ThereAtrophic changes are atrophic changes notedevident in the left psoas, iliacus, and the gluteal muscles associated with, accompanied by diffuse degenerative changes ofin the left hip joint manifested. These changes are characterized by significant joint space narrowing and subchondral cystic changes, the. The left acetabulum appears shallow and irregular, indicative of features are likely suggestive of neglected DDHdevelopmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)."

Updates to Case Attributes

Presentation was changed:
IncedentalIncidental findings in RTA patient.
Edit Without Moderation was set to true.

References changed:

  • 1. Hussain S, Terkivatan T, Zondervan P et al. Focal Nodular Hyperplasia: Findings at State-Of-The-Art MR Imaging, US, CT, and Pathologic Analysis. Radiographics. 2004;24(1):3-17. <a href="">doi:10.1148/rg.241035050</a> - <a href="">Pubmed</a>
  • 2. Shamsi K, De Schepper A, Degryse H, Deckers F. Focal Nodular Hyperplasia of the Liver: Radiologic Findings. Abdom Imaging. 1993;18(1):32-8. <a href="">doi:10.1007/bf00201698</a> - <a href="">Pubmed</a>
  • 3. Buetow P, Pantongrag-Brown L, Buck J, Ros P, Goodman Z. Focal Nodular Hyperplasia of the Liver: Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation. Radiographics. 1996;16(2):369-88. <a href="">doi:10.1148/radiographics.16.2.8966294</a> - <a href="">Pubmed</a>
  • 4. Zimri F, Shah S, Saaiq M, Qayyum F, Ayaz M. Presentation and Management of Neglected Developmental Dysplasia of Hip (DDH): 8-Years' Experience with Single Stage Triple Procedure at National Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Islamabad, Pakistan. Pak J Med Sci. 2018;34(3):682-6. <a href="">doi:10.12669/pjms.343.14392</a> - <a href="">Pubmed</a>
  • Hussain S, Terkivatan T, Zondervan P et al. Focal Nodular Hyperplasia: Findings at State-Of-The-Art MR Imaging, US, CT, and Pathologic Analysis. Radiographics. 2004;24(1):3-17. <a href="">doi:10.1148/rg.241035050</a> - <a href="">Pubmed</a>
  • Shamsi K, De Schepper A, Degryse H, Deckers F. Focal Nodular Hyperplasia of the Liver: Radiologic Findings. Abdom Imaging. 1993;18(1):32-8. <a href="">doi:10.1007/bf00201698</a> - <a href="">Pubmed</a>
  • Buetow P, Pantongrag-Brown L, Buck J, Ros P, Goodman Z. Focal Nodular Hyperplasia of the Liver: Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation. Radiographics. 1996;16(2):369-88. <a href="">doi:10.1148/radiographics.16.2.8966294</a> - <a href="">Pubmed</a>
  • Zimri F, Shah S, Saaiq M, Qayyum F, Ayaz M. Presentation and Management of Neglected Developmental Dysplasia of Hip (DDH): 8-Years' Experience with Single Stage Triple Procedure at National Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Islamabad, Pakistan. Pak J Med Sci. 2018;34(3):682-6. <a href="">doi:10.12669/pjms.343.14392</a> - <a href="">Pubmed</a>

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