Gallbladder perforation

Case contributed by Ahmed A. Khawwam
Diagnosis certain


Patient presented with right upper quadrant pain for 7 days duration managed conservatively as acute cholecystitis, developed sudden deterioration, surgeon suspect perforated viscus.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

Intraperitoneal fluid collection localised mainly in perihepatic and perigastric region with adjacent fat stranding, gallbladder wall thickening with pericholecystic collection.

Mild amount of free peritoneal fluid in pelvis.

No intraperitoneal air was identified on lung window.

Case Discussion

The case was suspected as perforated viscus due to sudden deterioration and positive peritoneal signs, non contrast CT study raised the suspicion of perforated gallbladder due to preferential pericholecystic fluid collection and adjacent fat stranding, a concealed perforated peptic ulcer was the second deferential.

Then aspiration of free peritoneal fluid done under ultrasound guidance and was bile, confirming the diagnosis of perforated gallbladder, surgeon Dr. Qusay Al Obaidi confirmed the diagnosis after open laparotomy, about 1 cm defect in gallbladder wall was identified.

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